Availability for remote animation work:
Available from may 5th - Updated 16/2-25

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Character animation
Compelling and entertaining character animation in a wide variety of styles
Creature animation
Believable and realistic creature animation for film, games and commercials
Mechanical Animation
Physically acurate animation of mechanics and machines

Animation showreels


Animation is the core of my professional career in computer graphics. During the last decade, I have gained a high level of experience and expertice in the field of 3d animation from working on a number of feature films and commercials. I have worked as an animator at several well known animation and visual effects studios in Denmark, Germany and England. My work includes animated feature films, VFX driven movies, commercials and personal learning projects. In these situations I have encountered many different animation styles, ranging from cartoony to foto realistic character work. I have worked on 8 feature length movies for cinema and one 15 minute short format 4d park movie as well as a number of commercials for cinema and television.

Please visit my portfolio pages to see examples of my work:

My role in the process

My role as an animator boils down to my ability create entertaining, compelling and believable performances whether I work on cartoony talking animals or heavy machinery in VFX movies. The goal is to avoid weightless, robotic and boring shots by adding motivation, humor and weight to the shots. This sounds deceptively easy, but this is in reality an extremely complex process that takes endless amounts of hours to master. I offer 3d Animation for entertainment, sales and instructional purposes. This can largely be categorized in the following segments:
  • Key frame character animation
  • Key frame creature animation
  • Facial animation
  • Motion capture cleanup and polish
  • Mechanical
  • Instructional
  • Industrial
  • Logo


Every project has its own signature style and must be approached differently in accordance with guidelines from the client, director and supervisors. By working on large scale productions on internationally diverse teams, I have a lot of experience with different approaches to communication and feedback styles. I welcome feedback as the only way to keep the work of a team consistent. Also, it is a formidable way for the individual artist to learn and grow as an animator or 3d artist.

Keep learning

I have worked with computer graphics on different levels for almost 25 years as an enthusiast, student and professional. I enjoy most aspects of CGI (Computer Graphics Imagery) and I try to stay current on events and technical developments in the industry.